Monday, 13 May 2013

Ships log #8
It feels vey calm living here on the the Africa Mercy - the christian community feel is very pleasing to the soul and helps me to contemplate life in a peaceful and rational manner despite the many thoughts about what life has to offer me going around my mind.  The city (Conakry) is also calm this week as their is a UN mediation group I believe in town assisting in  the premanagment of up coming elections in Guinea - due either later in May or early June.

I am up early again today to make the most of the internet connection speed and lack of personnel around (most still sleeping at this time).  I have found however that living in close proximity to 450 people (50 of those are children) has not been arduous and have found my little spaces for aloneness - the Ipod shufffle has been a god send and the library is a haven.  Often my cabin is quiet in the evenings as well as my cabin mates choose to socialise in one of the many lounge areas or at Starbucks. I have even managed to watch "Man v Wild" and "Top Gear" when somebody had found them on the communial TV.  So life is generally pretty good and even got some acute orthopaedics to do in the OR last night !!  One of the crew members had an accident so had to come for surgery - no worries there as one of the curent surgeons stitched him up and I gave some advise about dressings and equipment required.  You might be saying - am I missing the ortho trauma theatre  ?? Just a little I think :)

Will away to breakfast now and prework devotions - more for the soul to contemplate - am feeling very pleased that I have signed up for another stint of service later in the year as this is definitely the right place for me currently - about the long term though - this year will decide that - bonjour et cava ? Cava bien xo