Thursday, 2 May 2013

Ships log # 4
Well so sorry folks for being tardy in getting the next post up on my blog site !!  I am blown away by the numbers of people who are reading it and sending me emails of encouragement – thank you.
The week has flown by with continuous surgery during the day and “community’ events in the evening – there is always something going on around here to keep one from being bored or think that you want to have your own quiet time or an early night – we celebrated Dutch Queen’s day and the new Dutch monarchy earlier in the week with orange balloons all over the ship and flowers to all the Dutch ladies (or those related to Dutch gentlemen !!) – the Wednesday medical inservice night had the current Australian general surgeon talk about goitre disease in west Africa and thryroidectomy – and Monday evening saw a full community global hitch up discussion with head office in Texas to discuss future events happening in the organization.
But back to last weekend – I had an amazingly insightful couple of days going up country with 3 other women from the ship – Lea (German), Camille (French Suisse) and Bianca (USA) – we hired a driver (alias tour guide) and drove about 4hr (often the trip takes up to 8 hr) up to Kindia, via Coyah, bumping along and avoiding pot hole filled roads, trucks, people, road side stalls, sheep, and motor bikes driving on the wrong side of the road.  That’s not to say we didn’t at times because it may have been the better route (?).  

On the whole roads were either dirt … or rugged tarseal a little rough on the sides but allowing for passing opportunites at short  notice !!

We planned to see a picturesque bridal veil waterfall (Voile de mairee), swim in some mountain pools (Eaux de Killisi), and eat plenty of mangoes and go for a wee hike (??).
I’ll start with the hike – we skipped over rocks (not me) the mountain in the far distance is where we headed to …and scampered up (some vertical) hillsides with me in the rear…   

– but the tortoise always gets there eventually) for over an hour up Mt Gangan thru a village which has vast views over the lower plans.  And after a circuitous route (over 3hr worth), nearly 40 deg C heat and under an intense African clear and sunny sky we finally made it back – do I look relieved and tired ?
The village mirrored many traditional villages that we saw en route from Conakry – with thatched mud huts, with some cement reinforced corrugated iron roofed huts, and evidence of very basic cooking and living facilities.  The villagers were understandably camera shy but I was able to record some sights that provide evidence of the meager lifestyle they live…

…and I must say whatever was cooking smelt pretty good

Carrying babes on backs and everything (!!) on your head is a necessary activity for young and old and starts very young with us seeing some as young as 5 or 6 years old carrying small pales of water or supplies.

…and the animals they keep - wasn't quite sure whether they were sheep or goats (?)

The water supply for village came from a tiny mountain stream which has almost completely dried up because the rainy season hasn’t come quite yet…

... and the land around is fairly barren except for a few random trees and numerous mango trees…

(note the unripe mangoes dripping off the tree in the foreground)

 …and stacks of drying mud bricks – these appeared to be purely made from mud from the rich multi coloured earth.

We visited le Voile de mariee the next morning …
…and then went for a well earned drenching in one of the pools of the Eaux (waters) of kalissi…

..after first navigating a very rickety bridge !!
Here are my 3 girlfriends who provided me with much entertainment and hilarity as we tried to translate for each other.  Quite a feat when there was German, French and English and American (!?) as first languages and French, German and English as 2nd languages !! – work that one out – even I had to translate three ways at one point !!

L – R : Lea, Bianca, Camille
I have still so much to tell about this trip and this week that I will post this one and start again tomorrow as the internet is getting slower by the minute
Bon nuit to all xo