Thursday, 23 May 2013

Ships log # 10
Well the pack up and the goodbyes have begun - went out a couple of nights ago to a local Italian restaurant with the cabin mates as one of our number leaves on Saturday (the rest of us sail to the Canary Islands) and there have been or will be numerous ceremonies aboard ship for the local Mercy Ministrys' personnel and  the many local paid day workers who help in the running of ship and of course with translation for patients. There are at least 5 dialects, including French that are common throughout Guinea.  The OR day workers are predominately locally trained  RNs and one is a doctor who has been studying in France (as there is no training in Guinea) but to further his career he needs more funds to go back overseas. 

During our usual Friday morning devotions and staff meeting  (always combined) last week these friendly, relaxed and humble people I have had the pleasure to work alongside recieved leaving certificates and records of service as they have trained on the Africa Mercy to become OR nurses and leave with a much broader understanding of asepsis and surgery.

L-R : Moise, Umu, Fatumata, Dr Fara

** Just a note her - for those who have read the previous blog and there were gaps in the totals of surgical proceedures - they are not complete :)

You may have noticed at this point that they have not the usual attire on their heads - this was just an excuse to have another crazy scrubs day as the lst one was so enjoyed by all such that the whole team got into the act again... !!
Our esteemed leader Dr Gary Parker (maxilofacial surgeon and head of surgery), Maryka (Maxfax team leader) and Melanie (NZ) chose to stay in sensible attire - but you may notice that Gary has elephants on his scrub trousers ... :)

Pack up in the OR involves wrapping  everything securely in locked cupboards  or secure shelf units that convert to cages once doors are added - very ingenious...

...the remainder equipment needs to be jammed together, secured with bungies and strong magnets to the walls and floors and cushioned with mattresses from the wards - as the last of the patients are discharged.

What an exercise..... PHEW !!...which has to be undone when we get to Congo :)

But now mostly complete....YEH !!
...and just to emphasise the UN nature of my colleagues (L-R) Australia (Barbara), US (Allison), Sth Africa (Maryka), Germany (Michel) and married to NZ (Melanie) !!

I have busied myself ensuring all the emergency sets - crash cart, malignant hypothermia box, etc - are checked , cleaned and up to date, and today have the job of doing the same for all the first aid kits from the ships vehicles - 25 in number I believe !!

Last night I joined the ukele club at their beach venue windup - have been meaning to go to the class for the past 3wks but they say it is never to late to learn - and was able to join in by learning 2 chords which set me right for ALL the songs !! Band master Sean (anaesthetist) in the blue shirt on the left of the tables continued playing and singing long after the rest had given up. I think he would rather do that all day than do anesthetics. He and his wife, who is a gynae surgeon, are shortly off to Rwanda with their childen to assist in training medical personnel for a further year in Africa (originally from the US).  I continue to be amazed at what colleagues have done in this country or been involved in other missionary exercises worldwide.  I am less than a novice but very keen to learn and take part.

Cabin mates (L-R) Kathy and Carolyn, and Frances from across the hallway were there to enjoy the sun and music.
The local beach is not one you would swim at due to the pollution but the venue is fun filled with many men/boys playing soccer and pizza available from a local truck.  We dined well and were there til after 9pm.

The highlight of the evening, however, was the sunset ..... but the photo definitely does not do it justice :)
The day has begun and I must desist from gazing out the window at the ocean - first aid kits await - Au revoir and bon jour xo