Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Ships log #14
We are now at sea midway thru the voyage to the Canary Islands having departed relatively on time on Sat 2pm with much noise from local tugs and our own horn - I think the whole of Conakry knew we were leaving - many locals lined the wharf area waving and the decks were lined with most of the crew returning the favour as the gangplank was hoisted up onto the top deck and the last of the ropes were released from the dock - the tug boats ensured the ship slide easily away from the dock before turning a full 180 deg in the harbour to face the open sea - the weather has been VERY favourable with calm seas so far and just over a day to go.  The ship rocks slightly but most have got their sea legs very quickly especially the toddlers who are enjoying running down (!!) the deck an activity not normally permitted but with parents in hot persuit.

I did pirate watch the first night but now we are out of the Gulf of Guinea we are considered safe but  the oil tankers are much more of a target than us - we have 250 people to overpower them her anyway where the tankers often have as little as 6 crew members. We have instructions of what to do if such a crisis occurs.

If you want to track us you can go to  - - on the live map page put in the name of the vessel as Africa Mercy - we are currently off the western Sahara having passed by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and Mauriatinia over the past few days.

There have been various activites arranged for the evenings while at sea but the day sightings of flying fish, common dolphins, minki whales, giant turtles and mantar ray has excited all. It has also been fascinating to see the stars clearly here at night with little reflected light around you on the top deck - many people have the app Starwalk on their Ipod which allows with GPS assistance to see real time stars if you point the device skyward.  It even works inside - a real treat to see as it has names of the stars and consolations and you can zoom for further detail - one chap also tracks the NASA satellites so one was seen a couple of nights ago as it cycled past us.  I have also taken the opportunity to take in a tour of the bridge and the engine room as the engineers and officers are particularly obliging.

All too soon this voyage will be finished as we get back on dry land but so much more still to come - have had discussions with the OR manager about my work so far and have been asked to be a key member of the plastic surgery team on my return to the Africa Mercy in the Congo for Sept/Oct when a regularly visiting Sth African surgeon will come.  I am delighted of course to slot in wherever I am needed - what a joy to be still part of this exercise in humanity.